Green v. New Kent and the Green Factors  

This lesson supports foundational learning about desegregation legal history at the intersection of concepts (desegregation and integration) and historical practices (source analysis and contextualization).

Grade level: 🎓
Written for grades 9-10, adaptable for grades 6-8

Subject: 🕮
Desegregation Qualifications; U.S. History; Politics and Government

Literacy Skills: ✎
Reading and Listening to Legal Document, Presentation Creation 

Time Required: 🕗
90 mins

Lesson Pairing:
Primary: Unit 2: Impact of Brown (K-12) (Legacy of Brown)
Secondary: Unit 5: Life in a Multiracial Democracy

Green Factors Yearbook Analysis

This lesson supports extended learning about desegregation legal history and the application of the Green Factors from Green v. Kent 1968, leveraging historical thinking and sociological perspectives on demographic change over time.

Grade level: 🎓
Written for grades 9-10, adaptable for grades 6-8

Subject: 🕮
Desegregation Qualifications and Demographic Change in U.S. History; Sociology

Literacy Skills: ✎
Reading and Listening to Legal Document, Presentation Creation 

Time Required: 🕗
90 mins

Lesson Pairing:
Primary: Unit 2: Impact of Brown (K-12) (Legacy of Brown)
Secondary: Unit 5: Life in a Multiracial Democracy

Introduction to the 14th Amendment

This lesson is designed to help create familiarity with the 14th Amendment, the amendment process, and the context of the creation of the 14th Amendment.

Grade level: 🎓

Subject: 🕮

Literacy Skills: ✎
 Reading the Constitution

Time Required: 🕗
90 minutes

Lesson Pairing:
Primary:  Unit 4: 14th Amendment
Secondary:  Unit 1: Introduction

Timeline Analysis - Brown v. Board

Through the research project in this lesson, students can consider the relationship between different civil rights court cases. Students will conduct their own research and craft their own presentation.

Grade level: 🎓
Early High School (can be scaffolded for upper Middle School)

Subject: 🕮
American History, Civics & Government

Literacy Skills: ✎
Student-led research; information analysis and evaluation

Time Required: 🕗
60 minutes

Lesson Pairing:
Primary:  Unit 4: 14th Amendment Legal History
Secondary:  Unit 1: Introduction

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